Some Thoughts on Thinking

Mindfulness practice helps us see when our thought stream is taking us off the rails. We can pause, remind ourselves at any time, that what we’re thinking isn’t actually happening, take a few deep breaths and refocus on the things of the moment in front of us.

This is especially helpful if we’re experiencing difficult emotions. You can pause whatever thought train that’s telling you you’re not okay, and remind yourself you’re doing the best you can, this is just a difficult passage.

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Buddha, Mara and the Illusion of Self Doubt

Buddha, a fully awakened being, struggled with doubts and confusion throughout his life. And he always met them with gentle acknowledgement and kindness....Buddha teaches us to make friends with our doubts, our fears and our insecurities. Only by looking directly at these things can we heal them. For we can’t let go of what we haven’t embraced.

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